Annotated Bibliography 2

E-learning image. Web Source: Flickr
Computers & Education, BoCheng, MinhongWang, JurgenMoorman, Bolanle A. Olaniran, Nian-ShingChen, The effects of organisational learning environment on e-learning acceptance, Volume 53, Issue 3, 2012, 885-889

The workplace can be a place of continuous learning and development for the employee. E-learning is expanding beyond the classroom and into the workplace. The purpose of this study was to look into the environmental context of the workplace in determining employee's optimism to use an e-learning system at work. Findings of the study found that success rates of employees using e-learning were heightened by changing their expectancy of different aspects of the experience. The key factors in a successful, organised learning experience at the workplace are support from management, job support, and organisational support.

From E-Learning to Social Learning--A Health Care StudyHajli, Mahmood; Bugshan, Hatem; Lin, Xiaolin; Featherman, Mauricio European Journal of Training and Development, v37 n9 p851-863 2013

This paper makes the statement that the future of e-learning is in the use of social media. This paper proposes the use of social media to enhance the experience of e-learning for the student. The e-learning experience can be quite isolating because of the elimination of a teacher being involved in the learning experience. This paper explores the integration of social media into e-learning. The paper looks into how social media could help to replace the social interaction between the teacher and the student and instead have the student interact with others on online communities. 

International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, Mnkandla, Ernest; Minnaar, Ansie,The Use of Social Media in E-Learning: A Metasynthesis, v18 n5 p227-248 Aug 2017

This paper looks into the use of social media in E-Learning. The paper looks into ways that social media can be integrated into e-learning in a healthy and positive way. The concept is put forward of  using social media outlets such as blogs or discussion groups as a way for students to develop ideas, work together and help each other out. Social media such as blogs, wiki's Skype, WhatsApp, Google Hangout would be the perfect place for students to generate ideas together. The use of social media could create a support system for the students throughout the e-learning, which in some cases can be missing in e-learning due to the absence of a teacher.

Social E-Learning in Topolor: A Case Study Shi, Lei; Al Qudah, Dana; Cristea, Alexandra I.
International Association for Development of the Information Society, Paper presented at the International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) International Conference on e-Learning (Prague, Czech Republic, Jul 23-26, 2013)

This paper consists of extensive case study investigating the social aspects of e-learning. In the case study, a social support system to e-learning named Topolor, developed at the University of  Warwick, was created to explore the topic. Toplolor is a social e-learning site where students can interact with one another and discuss topics. The results of the case study that examines the usefulness and usability demonstrate that the students generally experienced a high level of learning and a high level of user satisfaction with Topolor. This is an example of a successful application of social media into the e-learning experience. 

Shared Values and Socio-Cultural Norms: E-Learning Technologies from a Social Practice Perspective, Shih, Patti; Velan, Gary M.; Shulruf, Boaz, Issues in Educational Research, v27 n3 p550-566 2017

In this paper, a study was carried out on students that examined the importance of social interaction in the e-learning experience. The results of the study found that the learning experience was more effective with the inclusion of social interaction. A learning experience is successful due to the social interaction that comes along with it. It is important that the social aspect of learning is not forgotten or done away with.
