Unity Tutorial 04

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In this tutorial I developed my knowledge of Raycast and learned how to create a dynamic cursor. I learned how to collect objects and pick them up. I learned more about controls and how to apply them to the game. I learned how to make certain buttons to do an action, example: 'e' for collect. I learned how to code this action too. I will definitely be using this tutorial as a resource for when I am making my own game.

I learned how to bring assets in from the assets store. I added a fence and an axe to my game. I attached the axe to the character. I found the animation part of Unity hard to get my head around. It is a new concept to me and I think it will take some getting used to. I think it is interesting that you can swing an object in the game. We learnt how to code this axe to swing on command and make a sound. 

I find it fascinating how scripting allows us to make objects move or make sounds etc. I look forward to learning more about game scripting. 

After attending MAKE2018 and hearing that the VRAI guy uses Unity to make his games, I've been inspired. It's crazy to think that he uses the same software to do what he does.
