Unity Tutorial 03

My Unity Clock
In this week's Unity Tutorial we created a working Analog clock. We followed step by step instructions on how to make this clock, I'm happy with how it turned out.  I never would have thought of making a clock on Unity let all how to make one. It made me realise that you don't have to just make 3D games on Unity, you can use it to make other things than that. I learned how to code objects so they rotate, I learned how to make them rotate with speed. 

I found it quite challenging to understand the coding part of the tutorial, there was a lot of coding. I don't think it was explained very well in the tutorial. I rather the video tutorials that we have been doing up until this week. I find it easier to learn when I listen. With the video tutorials I could play the video in the background and follow the instructions as I am working in Unity. 

I found it quite tricky to get all the clock arm's the correct sizes. I spent a while playing around with the clock arms before I finally figured out how to get them to fit together. In game mode, I struggled to make the camera face the clock head on. 
