Growth Mindset Replacement Poster created by Students. Web Source: Twitter @MsBeekman5th |
A fixed mindset is a negative term in my opinion, now after watching that video, this word 'fixed' reminds me of the word small-minded. Unfortunately a lot of our generation have this fixed mindset simply because we have been praised the wrong way our whole lives. People with a fixed mindset aren't as excited and eager to learn as someone with a growth mindset. They do not get a thrill from learning new things. They find learning new things intimidating and would way rather stay in their comfort zone.
I do not believe I have a fixed mindset when it comes to learning, I find repetition boring, I would rather challenge myself and learn something new. I believe it keeps your brain healthy. I've always thought of my brain as a never-ending sponge - the capacity cannot be obtained; I was always thought this by my parents. You can never learn too much.
I would like to explore this topic throughout the year. I think it is a new and innovative way of praising which I am excited to learn more about.
There is something new to learn each day, you will never know everything and I was always reminded of that growing up. This kept my head on my shoulders and kept me eager to learn, reminding me that I don't have to be the best at everything I do, as long as I try my best that is all that matters.
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